Day 1: All afternoon at the StarHouse (1-5pm). Open to the general public and all interested healing practitioners. Focusing on self-work: Level 1 of the practice, Stages 1-7. Introduction to Level 2. $222
Day 2: All afternoon on private land in the mountains. Closed to a small group of advanced practitioners. Focusing on Level 2 (working on entire energy field of others) and Level 3 (spinal and fascial manipulation of others). $333
Cost of entire training: $555
About the training:
The first ever Somatic Channeling Practitioner Training will be held at the StarHouse temple in Boulder and at a private mountain residence in Boulder, CO on July 20th and 21st. Those who complete the full training will receive a certificate and will be placed on the Somatic Channeling website as practitioners of the modality.
About the modality:
Somatic Channeling is a mystical art, an integrative healing practice, and a transformative tool for growth and expansion. It is a channeled energy work modality in which movements and mudras are intuited, triggering various forms of emotional, psycho-spiritual and physical processing, bringing cohesion to our emotional, physical, energetic and mental bodies. It also allows for the uncovering of rigid or stuck emotional patterns and wounds, deep trauma, and various blockages and "knots" in the energy field that, when unraveled through the modality, can cause deep release, expansion of the chakra system and balance in the entire system. It also awakens us to transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of Self t not only through trauma release, but attunement to higher frequencies and realms of experiences. It shares similarities to many modalities such as Pranic Healing, Spinal Energetics, Classical Tantra, Qigong, Kundalini yoga and more.
The modality is composed of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This training is a Level 1 / Level 2 training.
While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners. Level 1: Self-work.
Day 1:
1-5pm at the StarHouse, Boulder. Day 1 focuses solely on self-work, and practicing the modality on oneself. This will be an intimate exploration of how to connect with, sense, feel and move energy through the self-system, as well as how energy connects to the emotional self, psychic self, and physical self. The first level of Somatic Channeling focuses on working with one’s own energy field. This develops further as the movements begin to awaken within one’s own body, and often the practitioner practices Level 1 for at least one year — mastering it on themselves first — before beginning to work on others. Level 1 is further composed of 7 stages of development, each of which corresponds to the sense perception of each of the 7 chakra centers. In Level 1, all 7 stages can be accessed as development progresses.
Day 2:
10-6 at private residence in Eldorado Springs (South Boulder) CO. Day 2 focuses on Level 2 work (working on others). We will discuss and practice the ethics, protocols and techniques of working on others, how to be a clear channel for others, and more. Each person interested and ready to work on others will have a chance to do this with guidance and support.
There will be many breaks for food, snacks, communion, processing as a group, and more.