Somatic Channeling Practitioner Training: July 20th & 21st


The first ever Somatic Channeling Practitioner Training will be held at the Starhouse and at a private mountain residence in Boulder, CO on July 20th and 21st. Those who complete the full training will receive a certificate and will be placed on the Somatic Channeling website as practitioners of the modality.

About the modality:

Somatic Channeling is a mystical art, an integrative healing practice, and a transformative tool for growth and expansion. It is a channeled energy work modality, most closely connected to a Tantric practice called Latihan, in which movements and mudras become automatically intuited, triggering various forms of emotional, psycho-spiritual and physical processing, bringing cohesion to our emotional, physical, energetic and mental bodies. It is a deeply feminine / yin-based practices, rooted in trust and surrender to the body, often therefore bypassing the rational mind. Somatic Channeling also allows for the uncovering of rigid or stuck emotional patterns and wounds, deep trauma, and various blockages and "knots" in the energy field that, when unraveled through the modality, can cause deep release, expansion of the chakra system and balance in the entire system. It also awakens us to transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of Self not only through trauma release, but attunment to higher frequencies and realms of experiences that are beyond the ego identity patterns. It shares similarities to many modalities such as Pranic Healing, Spinal Energetics, Classical Tantra, Qigong, Kundalini yoga and more. This training is a Level 1 & Level 2 training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 of the Somatic Channeling practice and energy work modality. The modality is split into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

For those who are wanting to learn Somatic Channeling, or who have already opened up to the practice but are not yet feeling called or ready to work on others, we invite you to join us for Day 1 of the Somatic Channeling practitioner training. We would love to have your presence with us as you begin to open up to this deeply profound practice and embark on your journey of deep healing, spiritual expansion and growth.

For those who have already been practicing Somatic Channeling intensively and are ready to work on others, we invite you to participate in Day 2.


While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 1 is at 1-5pm at the StarHouse, Boulder. This focuses on Level 1: self-work, and practicing the modality on oneself. This will be an intimate exploration of how to connect with, sense, feel and move energy through the self-system through automatic and intuited movement, as well as how energy connects to the emotional self, psychic self, and physical self.

About Level 1:

Level 1 is all about Self-work - in other words, receiving the flow of automatic movement in order to do energy work on oneself. The first level of Somatic Channeling focuses on working with one’s own energy field and entering channeled movement postures for deep healing and upgrading of the energetic, emotional and physical systems. This develops further as the movements begin to awaken within one’s own body, and often the practitioner practices Level 1 for at least one year — mastering it on themselves first — before beginning to work on others. Level 1 is further composed of 7 stages of development, each of which corresponds to the sense perception of each of the 7 chakra centers. In Level 1, all 7 stages can be accessed as development progresses.

  • Level 1, Stage 1: Root Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Kinesthetic awareness. This is the stage in which the movements begin to wake up, and one begins to have a kinesthetic channeled or intuited movement experience of the specific Somatic Channeling movements (mudras, circling, etc)

  • Level 1, Stage 2: Sacral Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Emotional Intelligence. This is the stage in which emotion begins to wake up in the system simultaneoulsy with the kinesthetic movement experience. This is the beginning of clearing out stored emotional patterns from trauma, etc, at the body clears the energy field through the intuited movement and emotional release occurs

  • Level 1, Stage 3: Solar Plexus Chakra stage - correlating to the sense perception of Heightened Intuition in which clarity begins to form around the will being exerted in the practice, through a deeper understanding of the consciousness behind the movements themselves. Often in this stage, one’s awareness is begins to feel texture, densities, and the forces within the energy field. This is the stage in which you begin to sense clear density and texture in the field.

  • Level 1, Stage 4: Heart Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of love. In this stage, you have completed continuous thorough clearing of your lower chakras, and in the wake of clearing dense trauma through the lower chakras, energy begins to expand the heart center. In this stage, one begins to attune to higher states of consciousness rather than just somatic release: bliss, peace, joy, self-love, etc.

  • Level 1: Stage 5: Throat Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of sound and vibration. In this stage, sound “turns on” and vibration through the throat in the form of spontaneous sound in many forms: primal vibrational release, chanting, verbal light language, throat singing and vocal toning begins to come through the body automatically in order to clear more blockages and attune the field more deeply to heightened perception.

  • Level 1, Stage 6: Third Eye Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of vision. In this stage, one’s psychic / clairvoyant and visual abilities begin to manifest more directly and the practitioner begins to see visions correlated with the energy work, or begins to make contact more directly with higher beings including Spirit Guides, Light Language, various dieties and the 11th Dimensional Collective (the primary energies aiding us with this modality). Channeled messages often come through for self in this stage

  • Level 1, Stage 7: Crown Chakra Stage - correlating with higher mind awareness and integrated wholeness. At this stage, the practitioner has fully awakened to all 6 previous stages and is using the gifts and skills/abilities associated with all previous stages to practice in an integrated way, balanced between root chakra and crown, lower chakras and upper chakras. This is a form of advanced completion and integration of Level 1 work.

We will be covering all 7 stages during Day 1 - in both discussion / theory and in practice. All practitioners present will be witnessed in their own practice, release, and growth/expansion - working towards whatever stage they are naturally opening to.

This Day is held at the sacred temple the StarHouse - we hope to see you there.About the training:

The modality is composed of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This is a Level 1 & Level 2 Training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 while Day 2 focuses on Level 2. While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 2:

11-6 at private residence in Eldorado Springs. Day 2 focuses on Level 2 work (working on others using a massage table). We will discuss and practice the ethics, protocols and techniques of working on others, how to be a clear channel for others, and more. Each person interested and ready to work on others will have a chance to do so, advancing and tuning their skills of sensing and releasing energy blocks in the field of another with guidance and support. Those who participate on this day but who are not ready to open to working on others will have the opportunity to witness, hold a grounded space, learn by viewing, and receive energy work.

When working on others, Somatic Channeling - an offshoot of Tantric Latihan - comes through the energy system of the practitioner and, when intention is set and hands are extended to work on another human’s energy field - the automatic movements begin to come through specifically for another’s field. In this space, one can use all tools they worked with in Level 1, Stages 1-7, when offering a session for someone else. Stage 3 becomes particularly important when working on others, for it becomes essential to be able to feel the energy blocks in another’s person’s field, in order to catalyze release of energy. All of this will be practices and discussed, as well as necessary practices of consent, intention-setting, ceremonial aspects, and how to hold space for another to enter into their own process of release and surrender.

There will be many breaks for food, snacks, communion, processing as a group, and more.

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The first ever Somatic Channeling Practitioner Training will be held at the Starhouse and at a private mountain residence in Boulder, CO on July 20th and 21st. Those who complete the full training will receive a certificate and will be placed on the Somatic Channeling website as practitioners of the modality.

About the modality:

Somatic Channeling is a mystical art, an integrative healing practice, and a transformative tool for growth and expansion. It is a channeled energy work modality, most closely connected to a Tantric practice called Latihan, in which movements and mudras become automatically intuited, triggering various forms of emotional, psycho-spiritual and physical processing, bringing cohesion to our emotional, physical, energetic and mental bodies. It is a deeply feminine / yin-based practices, rooted in trust and surrender to the body, often therefore bypassing the rational mind. Somatic Channeling also allows for the uncovering of rigid or stuck emotional patterns and wounds, deep trauma, and various blockages and "knots" in the energy field that, when unraveled through the modality, can cause deep release, expansion of the chakra system and balance in the entire system. It also awakens us to transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of Self not only through trauma release, but attunment to higher frequencies and realms of experiences that are beyond the ego identity patterns. It shares similarities to many modalities such as Pranic Healing, Spinal Energetics, Classical Tantra, Qigong, Kundalini yoga and more. This training is a Level 1 & Level 2 training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 of the Somatic Channeling practice and energy work modality. The modality is split into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

For those who are wanting to learn Somatic Channeling, or who have already opened up to the practice but are not yet feeling called or ready to work on others, we invite you to join us for Day 1 of the Somatic Channeling practitioner training. We would love to have your presence with us as you begin to open up to this deeply profound practice and embark on your journey of deep healing, spiritual expansion and growth.

For those who have already been practicing Somatic Channeling intensively and are ready to work on others, we invite you to participate in Day 2.


While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 1 is at 1-5pm at the StarHouse, Boulder. This focuses on Level 1: self-work, and practicing the modality on oneself. This will be an intimate exploration of how to connect with, sense, feel and move energy through the self-system through automatic and intuited movement, as well as how energy connects to the emotional self, psychic self, and physical self.

About Level 1:

Level 1 is all about Self-work - in other words, receiving the flow of automatic movement in order to do energy work on oneself. The first level of Somatic Channeling focuses on working with one’s own energy field and entering channeled movement postures for deep healing and upgrading of the energetic, emotional and physical systems. This develops further as the movements begin to awaken within one’s own body, and often the practitioner practices Level 1 for at least one year — mastering it on themselves first — before beginning to work on others. Level 1 is further composed of 7 stages of development, each of which corresponds to the sense perception of each of the 7 chakra centers. In Level 1, all 7 stages can be accessed as development progresses.

  • Level 1, Stage 1: Root Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Kinesthetic awareness. This is the stage in which the movements begin to wake up, and one begins to have a kinesthetic channeled or intuited movement experience of the specific Somatic Channeling movements (mudras, circling, etc)

  • Level 1, Stage 2: Sacral Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Emotional Intelligence. This is the stage in which emotion begins to wake up in the system simultaneoulsy with the kinesthetic movement experience. This is the beginning of clearing out stored emotional patterns from trauma, etc, at the body clears the energy field through the intuited movement and emotional release occurs

  • Level 1, Stage 3: Solar Plexus Chakra stage - correlating to the sense perception of Heightened Intuition in which clarity begins to form around the will being exerted in the practice, through a deeper understanding of the consciousness behind the movements themselves. Often in this stage, one’s awareness is begins to feel texture, densities, and the forces within the energy field. This is the stage in which you begin to sense clear density and texture in the field.

  • Level 1, Stage 4: Heart Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of love. In this stage, you have completed continuous thorough clearing of your lower chakras, and in the wake of clearing dense trauma through the lower chakras, energy begins to expand the heart center. In this stage, one begins to attune to higher states of consciousness rather than just somatic release: bliss, peace, joy, self-love, etc.

  • Level 1: Stage 5: Throat Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of sound and vibration. In this stage, sound “turns on” and vibration through the throat in the form of spontaneous sound in many forms: primal vibrational release, chanting, verbal light language, throat singing and vocal toning begins to come through the body automatically in order to clear more blockages and attune the field more deeply to heightened perception.

  • Level 1, Stage 6: Third Eye Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of vision. In this stage, one’s psychic / clairvoyant and visual abilities begin to manifest more directly and the practitioner begins to see visions correlated with the energy work, or begins to make contact more directly with higher beings including Spirit Guides, Light Language, various dieties and the 11th Dimensional Collective (the primary energies aiding us with this modality). Channeled messages often come through for self in this stage

  • Level 1, Stage 7: Crown Chakra Stage - correlating with higher mind awareness and integrated wholeness. At this stage, the practitioner has fully awakened to all 6 previous stages and is using the gifts and skills/abilities associated with all previous stages to practice in an integrated way, balanced between root chakra and crown, lower chakras and upper chakras. This is a form of advanced completion and integration of Level 1 work.

We will be covering all 7 stages during Day 1 - in both discussion / theory and in practice. All practitioners present will be witnessed in their own practice, release, and growth/expansion - working towards whatever stage they are naturally opening to.

This Day is held at the sacred temple the StarHouse - we hope to see you there.About the training:

The modality is composed of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This is a Level 1 & Level 2 Training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 while Day 2 focuses on Level 2. While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 2:

11-6 at private residence in Eldorado Springs. Day 2 focuses on Level 2 work (working on others using a massage table). We will discuss and practice the ethics, protocols and techniques of working on others, how to be a clear channel for others, and more. Each person interested and ready to work on others will have a chance to do so, advancing and tuning their skills of sensing and releasing energy blocks in the field of another with guidance and support. Those who participate on this day but who are not ready to open to working on others will have the opportunity to witness, hold a grounded space, learn by viewing, and receive energy work.

When working on others, Somatic Channeling - an offshoot of Tantric Latihan - comes through the energy system of the practitioner and, when intention is set and hands are extended to work on another human’s energy field - the automatic movements begin to come through specifically for another’s field. In this space, one can use all tools they worked with in Level 1, Stages 1-7, when offering a session for someone else. Stage 3 becomes particularly important when working on others, for it becomes essential to be able to feel the energy blocks in another’s person’s field, in order to catalyze release of energy. All of this will be practices and discussed, as well as necessary practices of consent, intention-setting, ceremonial aspects, and how to hold space for another to enter into their own process of release and surrender.

There will be many breaks for food, snacks, communion, processing as a group, and more.

The first ever Somatic Channeling Practitioner Training will be held at the Starhouse and at a private mountain residence in Boulder, CO on July 20th and 21st. Those who complete the full training will receive a certificate and will be placed on the Somatic Channeling website as practitioners of the modality.

About the modality:

Somatic Channeling is a mystical art, an integrative healing practice, and a transformative tool for growth and expansion. It is a channeled energy work modality, most closely connected to a Tantric practice called Latihan, in which movements and mudras become automatically intuited, triggering various forms of emotional, psycho-spiritual and physical processing, bringing cohesion to our emotional, physical, energetic and mental bodies. It is a deeply feminine / yin-based practices, rooted in trust and surrender to the body, often therefore bypassing the rational mind. Somatic Channeling also allows for the uncovering of rigid or stuck emotional patterns and wounds, deep trauma, and various blockages and "knots" in the energy field that, when unraveled through the modality, can cause deep release, expansion of the chakra system and balance in the entire system. It also awakens us to transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of Self not only through trauma release, but attunment to higher frequencies and realms of experiences that are beyond the ego identity patterns. It shares similarities to many modalities such as Pranic Healing, Spinal Energetics, Classical Tantra, Qigong, Kundalini yoga and more. This training is a Level 1 & Level 2 training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 of the Somatic Channeling practice and energy work modality. The modality is split into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

For those who are wanting to learn Somatic Channeling, or who have already opened up to the practice but are not yet feeling called or ready to work on others, we invite you to join us for Day 1 of the Somatic Channeling practitioner training. We would love to have your presence with us as you begin to open up to this deeply profound practice and embark on your journey of deep healing, spiritual expansion and growth.

For those who have already been practicing Somatic Channeling intensively and are ready to work on others, we invite you to participate in Day 2.


While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 1 is at 1-5pm at the StarHouse, Boulder. This focuses on Level 1: self-work, and practicing the modality on oneself. This will be an intimate exploration of how to connect with, sense, feel and move energy through the self-system through automatic and intuited movement, as well as how energy connects to the emotional self, psychic self, and physical self.

About Level 1:

Level 1 is all about Self-work - in other words, receiving the flow of automatic movement in order to do energy work on oneself. The first level of Somatic Channeling focuses on working with one’s own energy field and entering channeled movement postures for deep healing and upgrading of the energetic, emotional and physical systems. This develops further as the movements begin to awaken within one’s own body, and often the practitioner practices Level 1 for at least one year — mastering it on themselves first — before beginning to work on others. Level 1 is further composed of 7 stages of development, each of which corresponds to the sense perception of each of the 7 chakra centers. In Level 1, all 7 stages can be accessed as development progresses.

  • Level 1, Stage 1: Root Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Kinesthetic awareness. This is the stage in which the movements begin to wake up, and one begins to have a kinesthetic channeled or intuited movement experience of the specific Somatic Channeling movements (mudras, circling, etc)

  • Level 1, Stage 2: Sacral Chakra stage - correlating with the sense perception of Emotional Intelligence. This is the stage in which emotion begins to wake up in the system simultaneoulsy with the kinesthetic movement experience. This is the beginning of clearing out stored emotional patterns from trauma, etc, at the body clears the energy field through the intuited movement and emotional release occurs

  • Level 1, Stage 3: Solar Plexus Chakra stage - correlating to the sense perception of Heightened Intuition in which clarity begins to form around the will being exerted in the practice, through a deeper understanding of the consciousness behind the movements themselves. Often in this stage, one’s awareness is begins to feel texture, densities, and the forces within the energy field. This is the stage in which you begin to sense clear density and texture in the field.

  • Level 1, Stage 4: Heart Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of love. In this stage, you have completed continuous thorough clearing of your lower chakras, and in the wake of clearing dense trauma through the lower chakras, energy begins to expand the heart center. In this stage, one begins to attune to higher states of consciousness rather than just somatic release: bliss, peace, joy, self-love, etc.

  • Level 1: Stage 5: Throat Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of sound and vibration. In this stage, sound “turns on” and vibration through the throat in the form of spontaneous sound in many forms: primal vibrational release, chanting, verbal light language, throat singing and vocal toning begins to come through the body automatically in order to clear more blockages and attune the field more deeply to heightened perception.

  • Level 1, Stage 6: Third Eye Chakra Stage - correlating to the sense perception of vision. In this stage, one’s psychic / clairvoyant and visual abilities begin to manifest more directly and the practitioner begins to see visions correlated with the energy work, or begins to make contact more directly with higher beings including Spirit Guides, Light Language, various dieties and the 11th Dimensional Collective (the primary energies aiding us with this modality). Channeled messages often come through for self in this stage

  • Level 1, Stage 7: Crown Chakra Stage - correlating with higher mind awareness and integrated wholeness. At this stage, the practitioner has fully awakened to all 6 previous stages and is using the gifts and skills/abilities associated with all previous stages to practice in an integrated way, balanced between root chakra and crown, lower chakras and upper chakras. This is a form of advanced completion and integration of Level 1 work.

We will be covering all 7 stages during Day 1 - in both discussion / theory and in practice. All practitioners present will be witnessed in their own practice, release, and growth/expansion - working towards whatever stage they are naturally opening to.

This Day is held at the sacred temple the StarHouse - we hope to see you there.About the training:

The modality is composed of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This is a Level 1 & Level 2 Training. Day 1 focuses on Level 1 while Day 2 focuses on Level 2. While this training is primarily for those who have already opened up to the practice, all who would like to learn are welcome to attend on Day 1. Day 2 is closed to advanced practitioners.

Day 2:

11-6 at private residence in Eldorado Springs. Day 2 focuses on Level 2 work (working on others using a massage table). We will discuss and practice the ethics, protocols and techniques of working on others, how to be a clear channel for others, and more. Each person interested and ready to work on others will have a chance to do so, advancing and tuning their skills of sensing and releasing energy blocks in the field of another with guidance and support. Those who participate on this day but who are not ready to open to working on others will have the opportunity to witness, hold a grounded space, learn by viewing, and receive energy work.

When working on others, Somatic Channeling - an offshoot of Tantric Latihan - comes through the energy system of the practitioner and, when intention is set and hands are extended to work on another human’s energy field - the automatic movements begin to come through specifically for another’s field. In this space, one can use all tools they worked with in Level 1, Stages 1-7, when offering a session for someone else. Stage 3 becomes particularly important when working on others, for it becomes essential to be able to feel the energy blocks in another’s person’s field, in order to catalyze release of energy. All of this will be practices and discussed, as well as necessary practices of consent, intention-setting, ceremonial aspects, and how to hold space for another to enter into their own process of release and surrender.

There will be many breaks for food, snacks, communion, processing as a group, and more.